Saturday 26 December 2020

Hope You All Had A Wonderful Christmas

    We did, even COVID-style. I don't know what the restrictions on family gatherings are like in your area, but they're pretty strict here. 5 people max from the same household, and that's pretty much it. With one notable exception. If a family member lives alone, that person can visit others, so long as the 5 person maximum is not exceeded. For us, it really made no difference, as there's just my wife and I in our house, and our son, who lives by himself, who came up from Regina for the day.

   Like a lot of people, we scaled things back this year. Again, not a hardship since there's just the 3 of us living in the same province. No turkey (something in the meat causes me intestinal problems, plus we'd never use all the left-overs anyway), so we did a roast, with garlic mashed potatoes etc. To top it off, I whipped up a loaf of chocolate chunk bread, which was delicious with strawberries and whipped cream. Did I eat too much? Yes. Do I regret it? No.

   And if you're wondering why I'm in on Boxing Day, it's traditional. And due to the holiday season, I'll be away all next week, returning January 4th. So, I'd like to wish you all an early Happy New Year! May 2021 be a damn sight better than 2020.


Thursday 24 December 2020

The Joy Of Having Cats


  That little fur-baby, Mini, got into a passel of trouble last night. My wife heard her playing with something, and when she checked, discovered Mini had found the hot chocolate bombs someone made for her. Basically, they're a chocolate shell filled with hot chocolate powder and miniature marshmallows, and they are delicious!

   But, I digress. Kitty knocked one off the counter, which broke it, and started playing with the marshmallows. And licking them. Nothing like picking up miniature cat-spit covered marshmallows off the kitchen floor. My wife says she did try and eat the chocolate (not good for cats), but apparently didn't like the taste and spit it out. A quick clean-up, and everything was good. My wife hid the remaining chocolate bombs in a cupboard.

   And since tomorrow is December 25th, a very Merry Christmas to you all!


Monday 14 December 2020

Winter Is Here

    And it arrived with a vengeance. After basking in relatively warm weather for most of the past 2 weeks, with some daytime highs in the plus range, reality came calling hard. The temperature this morning as of this writing (06:40) was a balmy -29 Celsius. At least there's not much wind. We knew it was coming, and I plugged the car in last night, but it's still a shock to the system to walk out the door first thing in the morning and literally having your breath taken away.

   This first, brutal cold snap won't last long, fortunately. We're supposed to start warming up as the week progresses, and we could see a high of -2 Friday. Hopefully.


Monday 7 December 2020

A Bad Way To Start The Week

    Sleeping peacefully this morning, when my wife started shaking my arm, telling me my alarm was going off. I immediately shut it off, then went to the bathroom..and went straight back to bed. As I was lying down, I hit my wife's arm, startling her. She said "you have to get up". I said "it's Sunday". Her reply.."it's Monday".

   After a rather foul-mouthed response to that little gem, I got up again, did my morning ablutions, and headed to the office. Not the best way to start the week, and I just hope it's not a preview of what's to come for the remainder.


Saturday 5 December 2020

A Rock God I'm Not


   Okay, a guitar hero I'm not, or ever will be. But, yes, that's me back in about 1977. I admit that even if I continue practicing and working on it, I'll never be 1 hundred-millionth as good as Clapton, Page or SRV, but I could play a bit back in the day. Then, about 6 years or so later, I quit. I don't know why, I just did. Until about 3 years or so ago, when I decided to start up again. How bad am I? Well, I can get the correct guitar sounds out of it, but that's about all.

   The reason is simple: My left hand. Old age is a big part of it, with arthritis among other issues, but several years ago, I unknowingly busted a bone in the wrist, and had a couple of recent tumbles which also damaged old leftie. The upshot is while I can play for a very limited amount of time, my hand starts to hurt only after 10 to 15 minutes, and I need to put it down. What I should look at is either physiotherapy or getting something to try and build up strength again.

   Meantime, I'll just keep rockin' in the free world!


Monday 30 November 2020

The Mystery Deepens


   You've probably heard about the metal monolith left in the Utah desert earlier this month. State wildlife officials stumbled across it whilst doing an airborne big horn sheep count. Officials believe it had been there for some time. And while they tried to keep the location secret, internet sleuths managed to find out where it was, and started flocking to the site, despite requests not to do so.

   Over the weekend, officials say, it was removed, leaving this:

   Just a stone cairn marking the spot where it stood. No one knows who removed it. State officials deny taking it down, so my guess is the people who first put it up also took it down.

   What purpose it served, how they managed to get it to the remote part of the desert, and why, are all questions that remain unanswered. Whoever was responsible may decide to come forward in the future. I kind of hope they don't. We all need an imponderable every now and then.


Monday 23 November 2020

I Did Not Need This

    Especially Monday morning. I woke up at what I thought was my usual time (about 03:15), rolled over, hit the alarm, went into the bathroom for my morning ablutions, and then to my office to get dressed (I do that so as not to disturb my wife by having to turn on the light). As I was getting dressed, I noticed the little clock I keep by my computer monitor. It read 02:20.

   Thinking it was wrong, I crept back into the bedroom to check my clock. 02:20. What to do? Leave for the office anyway and get a big jump on the day, or go back to bed and try and sleep for the extra hour. I opted to go back to bed. And while I did get to sleep, it wasn't for the hour I wanted. Normally, I don't take a nap in the afternoon, for fear of not sleeping at night. Today, though. I think I might just lay down for an hour.


Monday 16 November 2020


    I know, it's been a while. October 30th, top be exact, since I last posted anything. The reason is very simple. A family member is dealing with health problems I will not divulge here, or anywhere. But that has meant I've been away all last week, and for a few odd other days as well. And due to the nature of the problem, there will be other days I'll be M.I.A.

   But, I'm back at it again now, and should be for the foreseeable future. Touch wood.


Friday 30 October 2020

Happy Hallowe'en!

    As mentioned yesterday, come hell, high water or COVID, I was going to continue the tradition and dress up for Hallowe'en. This year, it's a mash-up. I decided to come as a Scot-stralian from Perth, since there are cities the same name in both Scotland and Australia.

 The didgeridoo is doing double-duty this year, as a stand-alone instrument, and a drone from a very large set of bagpipes.

   I also brought along my pet corona-viper. He loves sanitizing wipes, but had a problem putting on his coughey filter, which, since he has no hands or ears, I had to tape on him to make him compliant

   Happy Hallowe'en!


Thursday 29 October 2020

The Tradition Will Continue

    After humming and hawing over whether or not to put something together for Hallowe'en and wear it to work, I've decided I will. Part of the rationale behind it was COVID. I think most of us are heartily sick and tired of hearing about it. I know I am, and I have to deal with stories surrounding the pandemic 8 hours a day. So, to break the monotony, I will be dressing up in something. I've still got lost of gear from Hallowe'en's past, so coming up with something shouldn't be too hard. I have a few ideas I'm kicking around.

   As usual, and since Hallowe'en is on a Saturday this year, all will be revealed tomorrow.


Wednesday 28 October 2020

Made The Switch

    We've had a few skiffs of snow recently, with colder than normal temperatures as well. That means winter is well on the way, and with it, the annual switch from my 3-season radials to the winter skins. I'd had a reminder from the shop I deal with (they also store my other tires for a cost), but had put it off. In fact, when I did call, they were booking well in advance.

   Seems I wasn't the only procrastinator. Sitting in the shop waiting for my car to be done, quite a few calls came in from people looking to do the same. They were told the earliest possible say was November 17th. Nearly 3 weeks away! Even though milder weather is in store next week (highs near 10 Celsius), I'm glad I got it done.



Tuesday 20 October 2020

Hackers Must Try Harder

    I say that, because this was in my "junk" folder this morning. Yes, I have edited our email address.

OF­FI­CE 365

N­o­ti­fi­ca­ti­on pa­ss­wo­rd u­pd­at­e

Account information : 

Yo­ur pa­s­s-wo­rd ex­pi­re­s - 10/20/2020 1:11 PM


© 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

   If you are going to try and scam a room full of professional skeptics, you might want to try just a bit harder. Maybe with the corporate logo? Just sayin'.


Monday 19 October 2020

Time To Re-Tire

    With the onset of winter, it's time I again re-tire my car. It's an old joke, and quite stale I admit, but one works with the material one has. October started out fairly nice, but in the past week or so, the temperature has taken a nose-dive. Not frigid, but not cool for this time of year. And we had a skiff of snow this past weekend, with more in the forecast.

   All of which brings me to the point of this post. It's time to have my winter tires put on, and the 3 season radials stored until March. It was March this year I had them swapped over foe summer driving, and it was a good thing I did it when I could. COVID-19 meant pretty much everything was shut down, and I would've been driving on my winter tires for weeks, which is really not advisable. This year, I may be in for an extra expense, as I think my winter tires, now 7 years old, may be due for replacement. I'll be phoning my dealer today to set up an appointment.


Saturday 10 October 2020

A Scare

    Heading into work this morning, and was in the process of locking the door, with hands full of stuff. Had one lock done, and was going to engage the deadbolt. Started rummaging through my jacket pocket for the keys. They weren't there. Checked the pockets in my jeans. They weren't there. Started to panic. Thought I'd dropped them. I hadn't. Really starting to panic. Thought I'd have to wake my wife. Then I checked behind the screen door. There the keys were. In the deadbolt, waiting to be turned.

   At my age, and at 03:30 on a Saturday morning, I do NOT need that kind of "excitement". Luckily, it all ended up Okay.


Wednesday 7 October 2020

A Little Late

    I know, I should've posted this earlier (like a week ago), but Happy October! I don't know what it's like in your part of the world, but it's been relatively nice weather-wise in Yorkton, Sask. Canada, with mild, fall-like temperatures. For the most part. Unlike years past, fortunately, we have yet to have any snow. Which can stay away as long as possible, as far as I'm concerned.

   The reason I've been AFK (away from the keyboard) is due to several things going on. No, I have  not contracted COVID, nor has anyone in my family. However, one member of my family has had to undergo some medical testing for something I will not be going into on this venue. Or any other, for that matter. The person in question can't drive, meaning I'm the chauffer to and from different facilities. This week was no exception, with not one, but 2 trips out of town due to a lack of some diagnostic equipment here, down to the size of the area and the hospital itself.

   Hopefully, it's a situation which will be resolved quickly, but it means I have had to take a few days off work to shuttle back and forth.


Monday 21 September 2020

Got Creative In The Kitchen Again


   And whipped up some jalapeno-cheese buns. Admittedly, these were my 2nd attempt. The first were edible, but I mistakenly added too much of one ingredient to the mix. Not this time, though! They are quite light, and very tasty. Can't wait to have some with chili tonight. Should be a good mix.

   I'm thinking these would also be good as hamburger buns. Might just have to make another batch to find out! The only problem was I left them  in the over a little too long, and the bottom did get a little overcooked. Not burned, just overcooked. Still, something accomplished this weekend!


Monday 14 September 2020

Creativity Knows No Bounds, Even In A Pandemic


   Was in one of my local stores not long ago (masked, of course, due to the pandemic), and I saw a chap wearing something a lot like the one pictured above, except his was red. And yes, I wish I'd had my phone out to take a picture.

   First thought was "that's interesting". Even though I'm not Scottish, the second thought was "where can I get one"?  Third thought, after some reflection, was "interesting as that is, it's not effective". And here's why: It doesn't wrap securely around the chin.

   I know, non-surgical masks give you little, if any, protection, from the virus. But they do protect others around you, if worn properly. Not having it securely wrapped around the chin rather defeats the purpose of wearing one. But, it's still better than nothing, I guess. And with mask usage now being mandated in more and more stores, at least he'd stand  out!


Thursday 10 September 2020

Another Job Done

    Regular viewers will know we've been upgrading parts of our home over the past few years. It started out when we had the cheap, nasty "builders grade" carpet removed from our living room, stairs and 2nd floor landing area and new laminate put in. Earlier this year, we had some cheap, nasty "builders grade" kitchen lights removed, and new fixtures put in. The latest upgrade was this past week, when we had the cheap, nasty "builders grade" plumbing fixtures in the main bathroom removed, and new ones put in.

   We've also had central air conditioning installed the first spring we were here, had a water softener system put in, and stained the back stairs (which actually weren't even installed when we first got the place) and the veranda in the front. Next will likely be the installation of a splash-guard in the kitchen, some decorative tile in the main floor half-bath, and eventually having the basement finished, including a gas fireplace. Quite a bit left to do!


Friday 4 September 2020

An Awkward Moment


   And all I was tryng to do was be a gentleman. Leaving work yesterday was a bit awkward. I was heading out the door of our building, and noticed a woman was also making her way out. So, I did what I was told to do as a kid..hold the door open for her. Problem was that due to COVID-19, and not wanting to touch many surfaces, I used my back to push the door open, and waited for the lady to exit before I did, meaning we were facing each other.

   We exchanged a "well, this IS awkward, isn't it" glance before she slipped out. From now on, I'll either simply motion for someone to go ahead of me (which is what I should've done in this case), or exit first and hold the door from the outside. I've got a bottle of hand sanitizer in the car "just in case". Lesson learned.


Thursday 3 September 2020


    We've all been there. That friend you had in high school moves away, and you lose complete touch, only to finally reconnect decades later. Such was my case this past weekend. I posted an item on a Facebook group I'm part of, and ended up getting a comment from a woman saying her brother, Bob, and I used to chum around a lot "back in the day". The last time I saw him was back in about 1982 or 83 when I spotted him in the restaurant of a Woolco store I worked at. I did say it was a long time ago.

   Anyway, through his sister, I did make contact with Bob, and we've messaged, and I gave him a call as well. Here's where it gets kind of interesting. I knew he'd moved to Utah from Alberta many years ago, but had no idea where. Speaking with him, he told me his sister, Nancy, moved to Perth, Australia after marrying a bloke from Down Under. As mentioned, she found me on a group set up for people who either live in, or used to live in, Calgary, Alberta, where we grew up. Will I keep in touch with both after all these years? Yes, I will.

   I guess the point of this whole thing is had it not been for a random encounter, we never would have met up again.


Monday 31 August 2020

Gone, But Back Again

    And I should've mentioned it earlier. I took my last week of vacation last week, hence the lack of posts here. Needless to say, we didn't get up to a whole lot aside from one quick trip to Regina. Other than that, it was a stay-cation. Which I'm totally fine with.

   About the only thing that got accomplished was a little baking. I whipped up some jalapeno-cheese buns, which were quite good, aside from the fact I botched the recipe and added one too many eggs to the mix. They still turned out quite nicely, and I will be making them again. I'll just use the correct amount of ingredients next time.

   Anyway, I'm back to work today, the last day of August, had as that is to believe. And you wouldn't know it's still summer. At least not in my building because, once again, they've got the a/c on deep freeze, and I may have to put a jacket on again.


Saturday 15 August 2020

Was Back On The Farm Desk Again

   I know, as an excuse it's getting old. But I was back on Ag Duty the past 2 weeks, filling in while our usual farm guru took the last 2 weeks of his vacation. It was an interesting time, those 4 weeks in total, but I'll be glad to bet "back to normal" again. Trying to fill a daily 45 minute agriculture related broadcast wasn't easy, although I will say it wasn't as much of a struggle this past week as you do get used to new duties and challenges.

   As for my future as our station's version of Les Nessman, the venerable Ag reporter in the TV show WKRP, I'm still on the fence. I did like having the option of sleeping in until 06:00, but I didn't like not getting out of work at 12:00. Also, I will admit I did like the challenge of coming up with material for the farm show, but I also admit that (aside from going on GX94 Suppers in the Field) I'm a "city boy", and I'm sure some of the features I did sounded inane to any seasoned farmer.

   Where does that leave me? I have not been offered the farm gig full time, nor do I expect to be. Will I actively campaign to move over? That I'm not sure about. However, should the offer be made, I'll have a very difficult decision to make.

   And yes, I'm working on a Saturday. No choice, as we have 3 people either going onto of coming off vacation this weekend. Monday's back to my normal morning news gig.


Wednesday 29 July 2020

Scammers Are Getting Lazy

   This popped up in the "spam" filter in my work email box this morning. I've seen some pretty good scams, and some pretty poor ones. This ranks "high" among the "low" category. I mean really. Try better punctuation, better grammar, better spelling, not double underline (====), and make sure you get the information you want from your victim right. Primarily, "Your" Occupation, rather than "our Occupation", which is scammer. Also, you might want to include what country you supposedly represent.
   Sadly, there are people who will probably fall for it:

Attn: sir/madam,

I am Mr.Mark Idriss this is to notify you about the overdue inheritance which have been resolved and agreed by the Federal Executive council that the Inheritance/Contract Fund valued $25.3M would be released to you as the beneficiary by the management immediately your attention is received so you are therefore advice to indicate your interest and send your information as stated below

Your Name,===============
Next of kin.==============
our Occupation=============
A scanned copy of your ID or passport.============= Phone Number =================== Bank Details to Claim Your Fund =============

Elder Mark Idriss
Director Foreign Operations
Federal Ministry of Finance


Monday 27 July 2020

Yes, I Know It's Been Another Long Break

   And there's a reason this time. For the past 2 weeks, I had moved to our agriculture desk as a fill-in for our regular host. As a rural radio station, we have a lot of farmers listening in on a daily basis, and we offer a daily 45 minute farm show. With the retirement in April of our long-time host, our news director (who has stepped in in the past) had taken it over.
   It's summer, and that means vacations. So it was with my boss the past 2 weeks, meaning he had me sub on the Ag desk. It was interesting, to say the least. I've been on plenty of farms in the past, but I'm a "city boy" with no real knowledge of agriculture. Stepping in was a challenge to say the least.
   The 1st week was simply spent making sure I didn't foul things up too badly, and just keeping my head above water, so to speak. Last week was much better, and I managed to get about 3 features per day for the show.
   As you may imagine, filling 45 minutes of any show, let alone something I'm not very familiar with, posed challenges. But it got done. In case you're wondering, it takes about 4 hours to prep everything. And it wasn't just the noon farm show, either. There are several other Ag type short features that need to be recorded and uploaded into the system.
   Suffice it to say, I'm glad to get back to "normal", doing the morning news run. At least for this week. Next week, and the week after, I'm back on the farm desk so my boss can get his other 2 weeks of vacation done.
   Would I make the switch to the farm desk full-time? I haven't been asked, nor have I broached the idea. Would I take it if I was asked? The jury's still out on that. I've got another 2 weeks to go before making up my mind either way, and I'm not even sure the idea would get much support.


Friday 3 July 2020

Been A While (Again)

  These days, it's been difficult to keep up with this blog. We're still in the depths of the 1st wave of COVID-19, vacation times have started, and it's just been overall busy. That's why I haven't posted for the past couple of weeks. And yes, I know I've used that excuse before.
   But there really hasn't been a lot to blog about, due mostly to the continued restrictions, although they are starting  to ease, due to the pandemic. I'm in the "high risk" age group, and already have breathing problems, so I tend to keep myself locked down as much as possible. At least until an effective vaccine is developed.
   Also, this has been a weird week anyway. Worked Monday and Tuesday, had Wednesday off for Canada Day, then back to work again. It's kind of played a little hell with my internal  clock. But this too shall pass.
   And with tomorrow the 4th of July, I'd like to wish any American viewers a Happy Independence Day! Keep safe, especially with the coronavirus out there.


Thursday 18 June 2020

Border Restrictions May Not Apply

   That was taken yesterday by me here in Yorkton. I know the international border with the U.S can be crossed by non-essential travelers for a few reasons, including family. And I'm not saying the folks in the Caddy SUV didn't cross for that very reason. But here's the problem. I've heard reports from other jurisdictions saying Americans tell border officials they're making their was to Alaska to see family, but instead are tourists.
   With the recent spike in cases in several U.S States, including Texas, I find this flaunting of border controls, including mandatory self-quarantining for 14 days, counterproductive to what we've been doing in both countries to try and contain as best we can the coronavirus.
   Until last weekend, I restrained from venturing out of town period. I've also listened to health officials advice and socially isolated and practiced physical distancing, hand hygiene and cough etiquette. Seeing this, and again I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt, means I will re-double my efforts since I don't know if they were simply passing through, or made stops on the way. I also know there have been plenty of cases going the other way, where Canadians say they have relatives in the U.S, but are crossing for tourism or even to shop.
   I'm not one to get political on this venue, but also believe border closures should be strictly adhered to on both sides. Unless, the person can provide verified proof of the intention to only access each other's country for family reasons.
   I just hope the people in that vehicle didn't bring COVID with them across the border.


Monday 15 June 2020

I May Never Know

   The last time I filled up my little Lancer was April 27th. I'd been wondering how long it would take for me to have to fill it up again. June 10th, some 46 days later, I had to. The only reason I did, was my wife and I needed to get away, and decided to take a trip to Regina to hit some of her specialty stores, and meet up with our son for lunch. We hadn't been down since February, before the whole COVID thing erupted.
   I put 37 litres (8 Imperial gallons or 9.7 U.S) in the tank, which still was 1/3rd full. I'm thinking I probably could've gone another 4 or 5 days, maybe even a week, before I fueled up.
   Why did it take so long? COVID. Due to the restrictions put in place, I wasn't heading to the store as often, meaning a lot less use of gas. Or generally driving around town for that matter.
   Will I try the experiment again? Doubtful, now that restrictions are starting to gradually lift. I won't be going back to my old habits by any means, but with that, and the warmer weather, I'm thinking we'll be taking a few trips come summer.
   By the way, when I filled p in April, gas was something like 75 cents a litre. When I juiced up Friday, it was 96.


Wednesday 10 June 2020

Heat's Back!

   And a welcome relief it is. Over the past 2 days, walking into the newsroom first thing in the morning was like walking into a deep freeze. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but it really was cold in here. In face, morning man Danny Ismond took pity on me yesterday, and brought in a space heater to keep me warm.
   But all is back to "normal", and I'm no longer shivering. However, something on the roof is making an awful loud buzzing noise, almost like being in a small aircraft.


Tuesday 9 June 2020

Yet Another Cold Day Inside

   As I blogged yesterday, it was cold in the newsroom. We found out later yesterday morning that a power bump shut off the boilers in the building, hence the nearly arctic conditions. They fired them up, and it did get warmer as the day progressed. This morning, the cold was back. I don't know what the issue is yet, and likely won't find out until someone contacts building maintenance.
   At least I remembered to wear a jacket today.


Monday 8 June 2020

Another Cold Day Inside

   I know I shouldn't complain, but I'm going to anyway. I got into the office at my usual time, and it was like walking into a refrigerator. A.C appears to be stuck of "full", and no matter how I try to adjust the thermostat, I can't get it to turn off.
   And it's not just the whole building, either. The master control suites and the booth I read the news from are all much, much warmer that the rest of the building.
   I prefer things a little on the cools side. Daytime highs of 19 or 20 Celsius are perfect for me. But this morning, it's too chilly for my liking. And, of course, I didn't bring a jacket with me to work this morning. Oh well, it could be worse. The heat could be on full blast instead. I just hope they get it sorted out soon.


Wednesday 27 May 2020

The Razor's Edge

   Quite a few years back, I decided to get an old-fashioned double edge safety razor. The reasons were simple. I'd used multi-blade razors in the past, but ended up with a full beard for decades because of razor burn, nicks and bumps I got from using the new-fangled ones.
   Since making the switch, I have had very little razor burn, no bumps and the odd nick. Also, I'd been wanting a high-end razor for a few years now, and finally got one this week through the on-line shop I use for shaving supplies. You may not be  able to see it very well, but there it is. What sets this apart from other razors, even other high end ones, is the chrome. The manufacturer says they use the same process as Rolls Royce does for their cars. And it wasn't cheap. It cost north of $200 Canadian, but they did include a 5-pack of some top end blades as well.
   I guess this is my birthday/Fathers Day gift rolled into one. How does it shave? It is comfortable? I'll be finding out today, when I  get to use it for the first time.


Tuesday 26 May 2020

Been Away Way Too Long

   In  fact,I'm just back from 2 weeks vacation, COVID style. No, I did not have the virus, but it did impact any and all plans I may have had. Not that I wasn't busy for a time, though. Around-the-house projects that got crossed off the list included re-staining the front veranda of the home (a task that took a lot longer than it should have), and helping my wife with her garden. Mostly by staying out of her way.
   COVID restrictions started to ease while I was away, meaning we had our first restaurant meal (albeit take-out) in quite a while. It was delicious, and the staff took high precautions, for which I'm grateful.
   Normally, we would've taken at least 1 trip to Regina for my wife's flowers, but with the pandemic, decided against it. That, plus a search of the prices showed they were outrageous.
   If there is a positive side to this virus, it's the fact I've been spending a lot less, therefore saving a lot more. I used to grocery shop almost every day, meaning I'd pick up stuff I didn't really need, which also cost extra. Since going out 2 times a week, I'm not buying the garbage I used to, and the saving has been somewhat incredible. That means when, and if, things ever get back to  "normal", I won't change my new habits, but will only shop 2 or 3 times a week.
   The other big saving has been gasoline. I've got a fuel-sipping sports sedan, which I normally would only need to fill every 2 weeks or so. The last time I filled up was April 27th, and I've still got over half a tank left. I'm not expecting that to continue when/if we get out of this.
   As for this blog, I'll try and be a little more attentive to it, since I hadn't posted in a long, long time. Just over a month, to be exact. And yes, it IS good to be back at work again. Sitting around the house doing nothing got quite boring.


Friday 24 April 2020


   That's yours truly. The picture was taken in our newsroom a little after 07:00 local time this (Friday, April 24) morning. Whey am I wearing a winter jacket inside at 07:00? Because it's absolutely freezing in here this morning. They've been doing some work on the roof of our building, possibly getting the A.C ready for summer. I have a vent directly over my work-station, so  I'm getting a blast of Arctic air right on me.
   And it's not just the newsroom, either. The entire top floor of our building is cold.In fact, my morning partner Danny Ismond has a space heater running in master control to boost the temperature. He's also been kind enough to let me use it in the news-booth to stay warm.
   I just hope building maintenance gets it fixed soon, and we can all stop shivering.
   ***Just a quick update,the heat was turned back on (or the A.C turned down) about 08:30.***


Monday 20 April 2020

A Tragic Weekend

   As you've no doubt heard, at least 17 people, including the gunman, were killed this past weekend in Nova Scotia. Police say the rampage started Saturday night, and only ended with the gunman apparently being killed in a shoot-out with the RCMP.
   Among the dead was a 23 year veteran of the Mounties, Constable Heidi Stevenson, who leaves behind a husband and children.
   The shooter (apparently) was at one point wearing a fake RCMP uniform, and had (apparently) disguised a vehicle to look like an RCMP cruiser. As well, there were 2 burned out vehicles and reports of fires in the small community where the rampage began.
   Time, and the length of what transpired, prevent me from getting any further in depth on this forum, and I will not be naming the suspected killer. This is the deadliest mass shooting in Canada in decades. The "why" will no doubt take a long time to determine.


Monday 13 April 2020

It's Monday, January 104th*

   Okay, it's really Monday, April 13th, but rolling into the office this morning is felt like January. It was -13, with a windchill of -20. And as I keyboard this entry in, it's snowing. Heck, some parts of our region had a windchill of -25. It's mid-April. Surely, we're going to get warmer. Right? Maybe Friday.
   Not to say we didn't have a brief warm spell last week. It got up to 15 Celsius. We even had a fly in the house. But the plug got pulled, and yesterday, Easter Sunday, was miserable with a high of -6, and windchill -12.
   I know I shouldn't complain, and it's not like we're going anywhere due to the coronavirus, but come on! I'm more than ready for spring to finally get sprung.
   And again, due to a very busy work schedule, I'm not able to post as often as I'd like. Thanks for staying tuned.


* Made a huge math mistake earlier. Forgot to carry March into my date calculation, which, incorrectly, had it Monday January 73rd. Math was never my string suit in school.

Friday 27 March 2020

Got Lucky

   And it's thanks to my friend and morning show host Danny Ismond. This Monday, he mentioned he was having his tires switched over from winter to 3-season radials, and suggested I may want to do the same. I called the place I have mine stored at, and they said "yes, but since we're not sure how long well be open, come in at 1:00". I did, and was told, due to the pandemic, I had to drop off the key, leave, and they'd call when it was done. They did, and I paid up, and went on my merry way.
   They do require that within a certain amount of mileage, you need to come back to have the lug-nuts tightened. As I drove up to have that done, I heard a service tech tell another customer that due to stricter regulations, they were only taking emergency calls like tire repairs, until further notice.
   Had Danny not suggested I do the switch when I did, I, like an awful lot of people, would be driving on my winter skins for who knows how long.


Thursday 26 March 2020

Still Here

   And still very busy due to the pandemic. So far (touch wood) neither my wife (who's in retail), our son (now working from home), or myself (continuing at the office) have been sickened. Both my wife and I have been practicing, as best as possible, good hand sanitation, as I'm sure a lot of you are aes well.
   Yesterday though, I may have gone a little too far. I usually wash/sanitize at work at least 6 times, including using wipes to clean the phone, keyboard, mouse and audio mixer board both at my work station, and in the booth where I actually read the news.
   If I need to pick up a few essentials, I wipe the shopping cart down, grab the groceries, pay for them, then wipe a 2nd time as I'm leaving the store. When I get home, I dump everything on our island, wash my hands again, put everything away, and wash again.
   Normally that would be enough, but yesterday I got a package of much needed shaving supplies I ordered on-line delivered. Dealing with the shipping package and the contents added up to another 3 wash/sanitize cycles. Plus, a good disinfection of the island.
   I know by this point it may seem like I've gone a little OCD, but I haven't. Nor am I turning into a germophobe. I'm just taking precautions.
   Stay safe, make sure you wash your hands and practice social-distancing.


Tuesday 17 March 2020

Sorry, It's Been A While

   It has been ages since I posted something here, for which I apologize. The main reason you haven't seen much on this forum is down to the COVID-19 (or coronavirus). No, I have not, at least yet, been struck by it and have not had to self isolate, but the influx of stories on the pandemic has meant I've been very busy at work, which is where I blog from.
   And it's been getting steadily busier as time goes on, with more cases, more cancellations and more suspensions. It will level off, eventually, but if you don't see much from me here, you'll at least know why.
   Like millions of others, I have been practicing good hand sanitation, cough etiquette and social distancing. I've also (when able) been wiping down shopping cart handles with disinfectant provided at stores I frequent before using. Does all this mean I won't catch the bug? Almost certainly not. But it gives me a good chance at dodging it for now. Primarily, because there are no cases in my community. That will change as time goes on. If sick, I will self-isolate as required by my company.
   Remember, the best defense against the virus is you, and washing your hands frequently is the best way to at least slow it's spread.


Saturday 7 March 2020

Time Change Weekend

   And it means people in most jurisdictions will lose an hours sleep when they set their clocks ahead an hour before going to bed tonight. It's the start of Daylight Saving Time, except in Saskatchewan and a few other places, where we don't make the seasonal adjustment.
   It's also the final time residents in Yukon will change their time, after the government decided to remain on DST year-round.
   And they could be joined by British Columbia, as that provincial government is also pondering scrapping the semi-annual time change.
   I've said many times in the past, I am not a fan of Daylight Saving Time. Never have been. While I did like getting an extra hour of sleep in the fall, I always hated losing  that hour in  the spring. And, honestly, with the hours I keep,  I really don't need the extra 60 minutes of daylight in the evenings. In fact, it tends to keep me awake when I need my sleep.
   Yes, I'm working this Saturday after drawing the short straw.


Tuesday 3 March 2020

It Was Time.

   The last time I shaved was October 2nd. Up to yesterday, I let the beard grow, ending up with this
   But, it was time to "take it off", since it was starting to get annoying and, I'll be honest, it was too long and scraggly. So, out came the beard trimmer to get rid of 5 months growth.
   It wasn't an easy task,  to say the least. The length guide broke as I was trying to shorten it (I should've used some scissors to cut it back first), meaning I ended up having to use the bare clippers. Which hurt. Not only due to the excess growth, but the thing actually ended up pulling some of the hair out. Ouch.
   The upshot of the whole exercise was two-fold. First, I'll need to get a new trimmer in the off-chance I grow the facial sweater out again next fall. The second was this:
   I do look a little younger without the fungus. As for the cookie-duster: That's staying. And I'll have to find my mustache wax again to try and tame it.
   I guess I got a bit of a jump on "spring cleaning".


Friday 28 February 2020

More Mundane Maundering

   As mentioned, we trekked to Regina recently, and stopped in at a home lighting shop looking to get some new ceiling fixtures to replace the builders specials installed when our place went up. This week, we had them installed, and no, I won't bore you with pictures.
   One of the issues I had the electrician address was changing light bulbs in a  fixture in our stairwell. One I could not change.I have a step ladder, and while not a fan of heights, I would've changed it myself. Except for one big issue
   The fixture in question was a good 20 feet off the ground. In the middle of the stairwell. It's a little hard to see in this picture, admittedly, but there was no way I was going to reach it and change the bulbs, which had burned out about 5 years ago.
   However, with the help of a very tall extension ladder, it got done, and there's now light in the stairwell again.
   Until these burn out.


Monday 24 February 2020

Been A Bit Boring Lately

   Hence, the lack of any posts. The past week has been mundane. Got over the cold I had last week. Took the car through the car-wash yesterday. Going to the eye doctor this week. Getting our new light fixtures installed today. Like I said, boring.
   And there's not much on the horizon, either. Mid to late February blahs, I guess.


Friday 14 February 2020

A Long Weekend Ahead.....And I'm Sick

    This is "Family Day" weekend in Saskatchewan and several other provinces,and mid-February was chosen (if memory serves) because it's a long stretch between New Years Day and Easter, and we need a break from winter. Not that I'm complaining, since I've got it off.
   But it's all been tinged somewhat by the  cold I've caught. It started Wednesday night with sneezing and coughing, followed by a runny nose that could give Niagra Falls a run for it's money. Thursday brought sinus congestion, more sneezing and nose-running. And  the aches started that evening. This morning (Friday) I came in to work with a sore throat plus all the rest, so it's not been a stellar day, by any means.
   But it is a long weekend, meaning I've got 3 days, not just 2, to try and kick this bug.
   And it raises a question as well. Which is worse? A summer cold or a winter one?


Monday 10 February 2020

A Successful,If Expensive, Weekend

   The weather co-operated, and we made it to Regina, and the specialty shops my wife likes to get into. Unlike a couple  of weeks ago, when we got freezing rain 45 minutes into the trip and had to turn back.
   In addition to her specialty shops, me hit a lighting store where we'd seen a very interesting fixture we were looking at for over the dining table. My wife saw it a few years ago, but hummed and hawed about buying it. She left it too late. The fixture we were after had long since gone out of production. Undeterred, we still looked through the shop, and came away with an alternative we could both agree on. Plus, a new fixture over the island in the kitchen.
   The current one, and the one over our table, are "builders grade", meaning they're cheap and nasty. Over the island, were putting a 4-pot LED adjustable fixture which we can aim better, giving more light to that workspace. Now, I've got to call an electrician to have them install them.
   All in all, a good weekend, capped by a visit from our son, who came up from Regina for supper Sunday.


Friday 7 February 2020

Trying Again

   2 weeks ago, my wife and I tried heading to Regina so she could get in to a few specialty stores we simply don't have here in Yorkton. The trip was not successful (see NOT A Good Weekend from January 27). We're going to try again tomorrow, and this time, the weather actually looks not too bad! Forecast calls for a partly sunny sky, no wind, and -9.
   We could get a few flurries today and tonight, but I'll check the highway hotline before we head out. I hope it's good, because I think we both need to "get out of town", even if it's just for a few hours.


Saturday 1 February 2020

A New Month

   It's one of the rare Saturday's I'm tapped to work, hence today's blog. It is the start of February, and it's supposed to be very mild for this time of year, with highs today and tomorrow of 4 Celsius. Which I'm not a fan of. There's been a lot of melting going on since the warm weather started last week, which means lots of slush on the road. Which  freezes into a monolithic block of ice at night. I'd be happier to have it around -10 for a daytime high.
   Tomorrow is groundhog day, when several of the furry critters are dragged from their den to see if we get 6 more weeks of weather, or an early spring. In my part of the world, it's a moot point anyway. Spring 2020 won't arrive on the calendar until March 20th, and we've historically had some lousy weather between groundhog day and then
   Lastly, did it seem like January zipped by? It sure did to me. Which is kind of odd, because the month (although it is no longer than any other) usually seems to crawl by at a snail's pace. Not that I'm complaining.


Monday 27 January 2020

NOT A Good Weekend

   My wife and I decided to take a run to Regina Saturday for her to pick up a few things at some specialty stores. We didn't get very far. In fact, we only made it about 45 minutes into the trip when we had to turn around.and it was due to freezing rain.
   We started getting a few spots on the windshield about 20 minutes into the trip, but it was pretty much continuous by the time I decided it was best to turn around. Despite the best effort of the heater, and liberal use of windshield de-icer, it started to cake on, and not much helped.
   Flash forward 24 or so hours, and I went out to clear the ice and snow that fell Saturday. I managed to get 3 steps down toward the sidewalk, and went down. Hard. On my posterior (which has ample padding, nit that you needed to know that), and my left wrist. I've got quite a nice red spot  where I'm sure I did some soft tissue damage, and it's sore.
   It's also the wrist I broke a bone in a few years ago, AND the same one I injured a few months back.
   I will heal, I hope, and we'll plan another trip in the not too distant future.


Friday 24 January 2020

It's Become A Tradition

   It has become an annual tradition On or around Robbie Burns Day, I don the kilt and other regalia at work, and this year is no different. Why do I do it? I guess it's a diversion during the long, usually cold, winter. It certainly raises eyebrows at the office, although long-time staff are by now used to my various incarnations.
   The question "are you Scots" does come up now and again, and sadly, I'm not. Although "back in the day" I have consumed more than my fair share of Scottish Wine. If that makes me Scots, so be it. actually, my heritage is 1/4 Norwegian, 1/4 Swedish, 1/4 English and 1/4 American. I'm 2nd generation Canadian on both sides of the family, although I tend to relate more closely to the Scandinavian side.
   Normally, I have a set of toy bagpipes I bring in and give a toot on. But today I joked with GX94 morning guru Danny Ismond that every time I tried to play them, they made a horrid screeching  noise, so I took them tho a shop for repairs and told them to f=ix them until I could play them. Which could be an eternity.
   Danny took one other picture
   Which proves to me that I seriously need to go on a diet.
   Happy Robbie Burns Day!


Monday 20 January 2020

Finally A Break From The Bitter Cold

   We've been shivering under a dome of cold, Arctic air for more than a week, but there is finally relief in sight. Last week, the static air temperature in Yorkton was -38 Celsius one morning, and windchills were -52 in some areas.
   That's all supposed to end today, as milder air finally pushes in. We're looking at a high of -10 today, and possibly -1 tomorrow. Which could cause problems. If it does get that warm, there's a very good chance we'll get pavement frost, which can make for some dicey driving. It also raises the prospect of possible broken water lines.
   On the positive side, we won't have  to plug in our cars for hours on end, and  scraping the windshield will be easier. The warmer weather is supposed to be with us most of this week, and possibly the rest of the month.
   But we in the  west shouldn't complain too much about the cold. We could be in Newfoundland, where 76 centimeters fell, and  was pushed around by wind gusts of 130 km/h.
   And it will get colder again, since we still have weeks of winter left.


Wednesday 15 January 2020

Back, And Looking Back

   That was a long spell away from this venue. What should have been a quick switch over to a new computer ended up taking a little longer than I anticipated. The switch didn't happen until yesterday. Luckily, our tech guru worked an awful lot of magic, and managed to save most (but not all) my bookmarks. Of course, the one he couldn't save was this.
   Flash forward to this morning, and I was still working to get my system back to what passes as normal. Except this blog. Through a lot of trial and error, I did, as you can plainly see,manage to get "back in business".
   Now the look back. We celebrated an anniversary this past Sunday, the 12th. It was a year ago that day we added anew fur baby to our home
   This little girl got her forever home with us. "Minerva", as my wife called her, was just a little ball of fluff.  She's grown considerably since
   She's still rambunctious,  but  has learned, as far as cats can, what the house boundaries for her are. She's actually turned into what we think is a rather pretty cat.
   It's good to be back!


Wednesday 8 January 2020

Quick Note

   We're getting computer upgrades at work. Because of that, all but our core operating systems will need to be reset. That includes this blog. And since I can't remember how I actually set this up to begin with, I may be away for a few days. I'll also need to input my information on social media, and rebuild my bookmarks. Which won't be a quick process.
   So, please be patient. I'll be back ASAP.

Thanks, and TTFN

Tuesday 7 January 2020

Merry Orthodox Christmas

   To all who follow the Orthodox Calendar, I wish you all a Merry Christmas! Всім, хто дотримується православного календаря, бажаю всім вам Різдва!


Monday 6 January 2020

Back, And Happy New Year

   It was a refreshing break over the New Year, but it's time to get back at it. I didn't accomplish much over the past week, other than my traditional viewing of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It still stands up as a great series. I thought of going to Regina for a day, but that got derailed by an issue with the house, which has since been taken care of. It was just a minor thing, luckily.
   We of course have started a new year, and I for one am not sorry to see 2019 end for a host of reasons which I will not get into. And while we turned toe page to 2020, it's not actually the start of the new decade. That won't happen for another 12 months.
   And as much as I enjoyed my time off, I really could use another week away. But that's not happening.