Saturday 26 December 2020

Hope You All Had A Wonderful Christmas

    We did, even COVID-style. I don't know what the restrictions on family gatherings are like in your area, but they're pretty strict here. 5 people max from the same household, and that's pretty much it. With one notable exception. If a family member lives alone, that person can visit others, so long as the 5 person maximum is not exceeded. For us, it really made no difference, as there's just my wife and I in our house, and our son, who lives by himself, who came up from Regina for the day.

   Like a lot of people, we scaled things back this year. Again, not a hardship since there's just the 3 of us living in the same province. No turkey (something in the meat causes me intestinal problems, plus we'd never use all the left-overs anyway), so we did a roast, with garlic mashed potatoes etc. To top it off, I whipped up a loaf of chocolate chunk bread, which was delicious with strawberries and whipped cream. Did I eat too much? Yes. Do I regret it? No.

   And if you're wondering why I'm in on Boxing Day, it's traditional. And due to the holiday season, I'll be away all next week, returning January 4th. So, I'd like to wish you all an early Happy New Year! May 2021 be a damn sight better than 2020.


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