Friday 4 September 2020

An Awkward Moment


   And all I was tryng to do was be a gentleman. Leaving work yesterday was a bit awkward. I was heading out the door of our building, and noticed a woman was also making her way out. So, I did what I was told to do as a kid..hold the door open for her. Problem was that due to COVID-19, and not wanting to touch many surfaces, I used my back to push the door open, and waited for the lady to exit before I did, meaning we were facing each other.

   We exchanged a "well, this IS awkward, isn't it" glance before she slipped out. From now on, I'll either simply motion for someone to go ahead of me (which is what I should've done in this case), or exit first and hold the door from the outside. I've got a bottle of hand sanitizer in the car "just in case". Lesson learned.


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