Saturday 1 February 2020

A New Month

   It's one of the rare Saturday's I'm tapped to work, hence today's blog. It is the start of February, and it's supposed to be very mild for this time of year, with highs today and tomorrow of 4 Celsius. Which I'm not a fan of. There's been a lot of melting going on since the warm weather started last week, which means lots of slush on the road. Which  freezes into a monolithic block of ice at night. I'd be happier to have it around -10 for a daytime high.
   Tomorrow is groundhog day, when several of the furry critters are dragged from their den to see if we get 6 more weeks of weather, or an early spring. In my part of the world, it's a moot point anyway. Spring 2020 won't arrive on the calendar until March 20th, and we've historically had some lousy weather between groundhog day and then
   Lastly, did it seem like January zipped by? It sure did to me. Which is kind of odd, because the month (although it is no longer than any other) usually seems to crawl by at a snail's pace. Not that I'm complaining.


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