Friday 27 March 2020

Got Lucky

   And it's thanks to my friend and morning show host Danny Ismond. This Monday, he mentioned he was having his tires switched over from winter to 3-season radials, and suggested I may want to do the same. I called the place I have mine stored at, and they said "yes, but since we're not sure how long well be open, come in at 1:00". I did, and was told, due to the pandemic, I had to drop off the key, leave, and they'd call when it was done. They did, and I paid up, and went on my merry way.
   They do require that within a certain amount of mileage, you need to come back to have the lug-nuts tightened. As I drove up to have that done, I heard a service tech tell another customer that due to stricter regulations, they were only taking emergency calls like tire repairs, until further notice.
   Had Danny not suggested I do the switch when I did, I, like an awful lot of people, would be driving on my winter skins for who knows how long.


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