Friday 24 January 2020

It's Become A Tradition

   It has become an annual tradition On or around Robbie Burns Day, I don the kilt and other regalia at work, and this year is no different. Why do I do it? I guess it's a diversion during the long, usually cold, winter. It certainly raises eyebrows at the office, although long-time staff are by now used to my various incarnations.
   The question "are you Scots" does come up now and again, and sadly, I'm not. Although "back in the day" I have consumed more than my fair share of Scottish Wine. If that makes me Scots, so be it. actually, my heritage is 1/4 Norwegian, 1/4 Swedish, 1/4 English and 1/4 American. I'm 2nd generation Canadian on both sides of the family, although I tend to relate more closely to the Scandinavian side.
   Normally, I have a set of toy bagpipes I bring in and give a toot on. But today I joked with GX94 morning guru Danny Ismond that every time I tried to play them, they made a horrid screeching  noise, so I took them tho a shop for repairs and told them to f=ix them until I could play them. Which could be an eternity.
   Danny took one other picture
   Which proves to me that I seriously need to go on a diet.
   Happy Robbie Burns Day!


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