Monday 10 February 2020

A Successful,If Expensive, Weekend

   The weather co-operated, and we made it to Regina, and the specialty shops my wife likes to get into. Unlike a couple  of weeks ago, when we got freezing rain 45 minutes into the trip and had to turn back.
   In addition to her specialty shops, me hit a lighting store where we'd seen a very interesting fixture we were looking at for over the dining table. My wife saw it a few years ago, but hummed and hawed about buying it. She left it too late. The fixture we were after had long since gone out of production. Undeterred, we still looked through the shop, and came away with an alternative we could both agree on. Plus, a new fixture over the island in the kitchen.
   The current one, and the one over our table, are "builders grade", meaning they're cheap and nasty. Over the island, were putting a 4-pot LED adjustable fixture which we can aim better, giving more light to that workspace. Now, I've got to call an electrician to have them install them.
   All in all, a good weekend, capped by a visit from our son, who came up from Regina for supper Sunday.


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