Wednesday 29 July 2020

Scammers Are Getting Lazy

   This popped up in the "spam" filter in my work email box this morning. I've seen some pretty good scams, and some pretty poor ones. This ranks "high" among the "low" category. I mean really. Try better punctuation, better grammar, better spelling, not double underline (====), and make sure you get the information you want from your victim right. Primarily, "Your" Occupation, rather than "our Occupation", which is scammer. Also, you might want to include what country you supposedly represent.
   Sadly, there are people who will probably fall for it:

Attn: sir/madam,

I am Mr.Mark Idriss this is to notify you about the overdue inheritance which have been resolved and agreed by the Federal Executive council that the Inheritance/Contract Fund valued $25.3M would be released to you as the beneficiary by the management immediately your attention is received so you are therefore advice to indicate your interest and send your information as stated below

Your Name,===============
Next of kin.==============
our Occupation=============
A scanned copy of your ID or passport.============= Phone Number =================== Bank Details to Claim Your Fund =============

Elder Mark Idriss
Director Foreign Operations
Federal Ministry of Finance


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