Monday 19 October 2020

Time To Re-Tire

    With the onset of winter, it's time I again re-tire my car. It's an old joke, and quite stale I admit, but one works with the material one has. October started out fairly nice, but in the past week or so, the temperature has taken a nose-dive. Not frigid, but not cool for this time of year. And we had a skiff of snow this past weekend, with more in the forecast.

   All of which brings me to the point of this post. It's time to have my winter tires put on, and the 3 season radials stored until March. It was March this year I had them swapped over foe summer driving, and it was a good thing I did it when I could. COVID-19 meant pretty much everything was shut down, and I would've been driving on my winter tires for weeks, which is really not advisable. This year, I may be in for an extra expense, as I think my winter tires, now 7 years old, may be due for replacement. I'll be phoning my dealer today to set up an appointment.


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