Tuesday 3 March 2020

It Was Time.

   The last time I shaved was October 2nd. Up to yesterday, I let the beard grow, ending up with this
   But, it was time to "take it off", since it was starting to get annoying and, I'll be honest, it was too long and scraggly. So, out came the beard trimmer to get rid of 5 months growth.
   It wasn't an easy task,  to say the least. The length guide broke as I was trying to shorten it (I should've used some scissors to cut it back first), meaning I ended up having to use the bare clippers. Which hurt. Not only due to the excess growth, but the thing actually ended up pulling some of the hair out. Ouch.
   The upshot of the whole exercise was two-fold. First, I'll need to get a new trimmer in the off-chance I grow the facial sweater out again next fall. The second was this:
   I do look a little younger without the fungus. As for the cookie-duster: That's staying. And I'll have to find my mustache wax again to try and tame it.
   I guess I got a bit of a jump on "spring cleaning".


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