Tuesday 26 May 2020

Been Away Way Too Long

   In  fact,I'm just back from 2 weeks vacation, COVID style. No, I did not have the virus, but it did impact any and all plans I may have had. Not that I wasn't busy for a time, though. Around-the-house projects that got crossed off the list included re-staining the front veranda of the home (a task that took a lot longer than it should have), and helping my wife with her garden. Mostly by staying out of her way.
   COVID restrictions started to ease while I was away, meaning we had our first restaurant meal (albeit take-out) in quite a while. It was delicious, and the staff took high precautions, for which I'm grateful.
   Normally, we would've taken at least 1 trip to Regina for my wife's flowers, but with the pandemic, decided against it. That, plus a search of the prices showed they were outrageous.
   If there is a positive side to this virus, it's the fact I've been spending a lot less, therefore saving a lot more. I used to grocery shop almost every day, meaning I'd pick up stuff I didn't really need, which also cost extra. Since going out 2 times a week, I'm not buying the garbage I used to, and the saving has been somewhat incredible. That means when, and if, things ever get back to  "normal", I won't change my new habits, but will only shop 2 or 3 times a week.
   The other big saving has been gasoline. I've got a fuel-sipping sports sedan, which I normally would only need to fill every 2 weeks or so. The last time I filled up was April 27th, and I've still got over half a tank left. I'm not expecting that to continue when/if we get out of this.
   As for this blog, I'll try and be a little more attentive to it, since I hadn't posted in a long, long time. Just over a month, to be exact. And yes, it IS good to be back at work again. Sitting around the house doing nothing got quite boring.


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