Friday 28 February 2020

More Mundane Maundering

   As mentioned, we trekked to Regina recently, and stopped in at a home lighting shop looking to get some new ceiling fixtures to replace the builders specials installed when our place went up. This week, we had them installed, and no, I won't bore you with pictures.
   One of the issues I had the electrician address was changing light bulbs in a  fixture in our stairwell. One I could not change.I have a step ladder, and while not a fan of heights, I would've changed it myself. Except for one big issue
   The fixture in question was a good 20 feet off the ground. In the middle of the stairwell. It's a little hard to see in this picture, admittedly, but there was no way I was going to reach it and change the bulbs, which had burned out about 5 years ago.
   However, with the help of a very tall extension ladder, it got done, and there's now light in the stairwell again.
   Until these burn out.


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