Monday 15 June 2020

I May Never Know

   The last time I filled up my little Lancer was April 27th. I'd been wondering how long it would take for me to have to fill it up again. June 10th, some 46 days later, I had to. The only reason I did, was my wife and I needed to get away, and decided to take a trip to Regina to hit some of her specialty stores, and meet up with our son for lunch. We hadn't been down since February, before the whole COVID thing erupted.
   I put 37 litres (8 Imperial gallons or 9.7 U.S) in the tank, which still was 1/3rd full. I'm thinking I probably could've gone another 4 or 5 days, maybe even a week, before I fueled up.
   Why did it take so long? COVID. Due to the restrictions put in place, I wasn't heading to the store as often, meaning a lot less use of gas. Or generally driving around town for that matter.
   Will I try the experiment again? Doubtful, now that restrictions are starting to gradually lift. I won't be going back to my old habits by any means, but with that, and the warmer weather, I'm thinking we'll be taking a few trips come summer.
   By the way, when I filled p in April, gas was something like 75 cents a litre. When I juiced up Friday, it was 96.


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