Saturday 15 August 2020

Was Back On The Farm Desk Again

   I know, as an excuse it's getting old. But I was back on Ag Duty the past 2 weeks, filling in while our usual farm guru took the last 2 weeks of his vacation. It was an interesting time, those 4 weeks in total, but I'll be glad to bet "back to normal" again. Trying to fill a daily 45 minute agriculture related broadcast wasn't easy, although I will say it wasn't as much of a struggle this past week as you do get used to new duties and challenges.

   As for my future as our station's version of Les Nessman, the venerable Ag reporter in the TV show WKRP, I'm still on the fence. I did like having the option of sleeping in until 06:00, but I didn't like not getting out of work at 12:00. Also, I will admit I did like the challenge of coming up with material for the farm show, but I also admit that (aside from going on GX94 Suppers in the Field) I'm a "city boy", and I'm sure some of the features I did sounded inane to any seasoned farmer.

   Where does that leave me? I have not been offered the farm gig full time, nor do I expect to be. Will I actively campaign to move over? That I'm not sure about. However, should the offer be made, I'll have a very difficult decision to make.

   And yes, I'm working on a Saturday. No choice, as we have 3 people either going onto of coming off vacation this weekend. Monday's back to my normal morning news gig.


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