Monday 27 July 2020

Yes, I Know It's Been Another Long Break

   And there's a reason this time. For the past 2 weeks, I had moved to our agriculture desk as a fill-in for our regular host. As a rural radio station, we have a lot of farmers listening in on a daily basis, and we offer a daily 45 minute farm show. With the retirement in April of our long-time host, our news director (who has stepped in in the past) had taken it over.
   It's summer, and that means vacations. So it was with my boss the past 2 weeks, meaning he had me sub on the Ag desk. It was interesting, to say the least. I've been on plenty of farms in the past, but I'm a "city boy" with no real knowledge of agriculture. Stepping in was a challenge to say the least.
   The 1st week was simply spent making sure I didn't foul things up too badly, and just keeping my head above water, so to speak. Last week was much better, and I managed to get about 3 features per day for the show.
   As you may imagine, filling 45 minutes of any show, let alone something I'm not very familiar with, posed challenges. But it got done. In case you're wondering, it takes about 4 hours to prep everything. And it wasn't just the noon farm show, either. There are several other Ag type short features that need to be recorded and uploaded into the system.
   Suffice it to say, I'm glad to get back to "normal", doing the morning news run. At least for this week. Next week, and the week after, I'm back on the farm desk so my boss can get his other 2 weeks of vacation done.
   Would I make the switch to the farm desk full-time? I haven't been asked, nor have I broached the idea. Would I take it if I was asked? The jury's still out on that. I've got another 2 weeks to go before making up my mind either way, and I'm not even sure the idea would get much support.


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