Monday 31 August 2020

Gone, But Back Again

    And I should've mentioned it earlier. I took my last week of vacation last week, hence the lack of posts here. Needless to say, we didn't get up to a whole lot aside from one quick trip to Regina. Other than that, it was a stay-cation. Which I'm totally fine with.

   About the only thing that got accomplished was a little baking. I whipped up some jalapeno-cheese buns, which were quite good, aside from the fact I botched the recipe and added one too many eggs to the mix. They still turned out quite nicely, and I will be making them again. I'll just use the correct amount of ingredients next time.

   Anyway, I'm back to work today, the last day of August, had as that is to believe. And you wouldn't know it's still summer. At least not in my building because, once again, they've got the a/c on deep freeze, and I may have to put a jacket on again.


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