Saturday 7 March 2020

Time Change Weekend

   And it means people in most jurisdictions will lose an hours sleep when they set their clocks ahead an hour before going to bed tonight. It's the start of Daylight Saving Time, except in Saskatchewan and a few other places, where we don't make the seasonal adjustment.
   It's also the final time residents in Yukon will change their time, after the government decided to remain on DST year-round.
   And they could be joined by British Columbia, as that provincial government is also pondering scrapping the semi-annual time change.
   I've said many times in the past, I am not a fan of Daylight Saving Time. Never have been. While I did like getting an extra hour of sleep in the fall, I always hated losing  that hour in  the spring. And, honestly, with the hours I keep,  I really don't need the extra 60 minutes of daylight in the evenings. In fact, it tends to keep me awake when I need my sleep.
   Yes, I'm working this Saturday after drawing the short straw.


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