Saturday 5 December 2020

A Rock God I'm Not


   Okay, a guitar hero I'm not, or ever will be. But, yes, that's me back in about 1977. I admit that even if I continue practicing and working on it, I'll never be 1 hundred-millionth as good as Clapton, Page or SRV, but I could play a bit back in the day. Then, about 6 years or so later, I quit. I don't know why, I just did. Until about 3 years or so ago, when I decided to start up again. How bad am I? Well, I can get the correct guitar sounds out of it, but that's about all.

   The reason is simple: My left hand. Old age is a big part of it, with arthritis among other issues, but several years ago, I unknowingly busted a bone in the wrist, and had a couple of recent tumbles which also damaged old leftie. The upshot is while I can play for a very limited amount of time, my hand starts to hurt only after 10 to 15 minutes, and I need to put it down. What I should look at is either physiotherapy or getting something to try and build up strength again.

   Meantime, I'll just keep rockin' in the free world!


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