Wednesday 7 October 2020

A Little Late

    I know, I should've posted this earlier (like a week ago), but Happy October! I don't know what it's like in your part of the world, but it's been relatively nice weather-wise in Yorkton, Sask. Canada, with mild, fall-like temperatures. For the most part. Unlike years past, fortunately, we have yet to have any snow. Which can stay away as long as possible, as far as I'm concerned.

   The reason I've been AFK (away from the keyboard) is due to several things going on. No, I have  not contracted COVID, nor has anyone in my family. However, one member of my family has had to undergo some medical testing for something I will not be going into on this venue. Or any other, for that matter. The person in question can't drive, meaning I'm the chauffer to and from different facilities. This week was no exception, with not one, but 2 trips out of town due to a lack of some diagnostic equipment here, down to the size of the area and the hospital itself.

   Hopefully, it's a situation which will be resolved quickly, but it means I have had to take a few days off work to shuttle back and forth.


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