Monday 8 June 2020

Another Cold Day Inside

   I know I shouldn't complain, but I'm going to anyway. I got into the office at my usual time, and it was like walking into a refrigerator. A.C appears to be stuck of "full", and no matter how I try to adjust the thermostat, I can't get it to turn off.
   And it's not just the whole building, either. The master control suites and the booth I read the news from are all much, much warmer that the rest of the building.
   I prefer things a little on the cools side. Daytime highs of 19 or 20 Celsius are perfect for me. But this morning, it's too chilly for my liking. And, of course, I didn't bring a jacket with me to work this morning. Oh well, it could be worse. The heat could be on full blast instead. I just hope they get it sorted out soon.


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