Monday 6 January 2020

Back, And Happy New Year

   It was a refreshing break over the New Year, but it's time to get back at it. I didn't accomplish much over the past week, other than my traditional viewing of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It still stands up as a great series. I thought of going to Regina for a day, but that got derailed by an issue with the house, which has since been taken care of. It was just a minor thing, luckily.
   We of course have started a new year, and I for one am not sorry to see 2019 end for a host of reasons which I will not get into. And while we turned toe page to 2020, it's not actually the start of the new decade. That won't happen for another 12 months.
   And as much as I enjoyed my time off, I really could use another week away. But that's not happening.


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