Thursday 26 March 2020

Still Here

   And still very busy due to the pandemic. So far (touch wood) neither my wife (who's in retail), our son (now working from home), or myself (continuing at the office) have been sickened. Both my wife and I have been practicing, as best as possible, good hand sanitation, as I'm sure a lot of you are aes well.
   Yesterday though, I may have gone a little too far. I usually wash/sanitize at work at least 6 times, including using wipes to clean the phone, keyboard, mouse and audio mixer board both at my work station, and in the booth where I actually read the news.
   If I need to pick up a few essentials, I wipe the shopping cart down, grab the groceries, pay for them, then wipe a 2nd time as I'm leaving the store. When I get home, I dump everything on our island, wash my hands again, put everything away, and wash again.
   Normally that would be enough, but yesterday I got a package of much needed shaving supplies I ordered on-line delivered. Dealing with the shipping package and the contents added up to another 3 wash/sanitize cycles. Plus, a good disinfection of the island.
   I know by this point it may seem like I've gone a little OCD, but I haven't. Nor am I turning into a germophobe. I'm just taking precautions.
   Stay safe, make sure you wash your hands and practice social-distancing.


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