Tuesday 17 March 2020

Sorry, It's Been A While

   It has been ages since I posted something here, for which I apologize. The main reason you haven't seen much on this forum is down to the COVID-19 (or coronavirus). No, I have not, at least yet, been struck by it and have not had to self isolate, but the influx of stories on the pandemic has meant I've been very busy at work, which is where I blog from.
   And it's been getting steadily busier as time goes on, with more cases, more cancellations and more suspensions. It will level off, eventually, but if you don't see much from me here, you'll at least know why.
   Like millions of others, I have been practicing good hand sanitation, cough etiquette and social distancing. I've also (when able) been wiping down shopping cart handles with disinfectant provided at stores I frequent before using. Does all this mean I won't catch the bug? Almost certainly not. But it gives me a good chance at dodging it for now. Primarily, because there are no cases in my community. That will change as time goes on. If sick, I will self-isolate as required by my company.
   Remember, the best defense against the virus is you, and washing your hands frequently is the best way to at least slow it's spread.


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