Wednesday 27 May 2020

The Razor's Edge

   Quite a few years back, I decided to get an old-fashioned double edge safety razor. The reasons were simple. I'd used multi-blade razors in the past, but ended up with a full beard for decades because of razor burn, nicks and bumps I got from using the new-fangled ones.
   Since making the switch, I have had very little razor burn, no bumps and the odd nick. Also, I'd been wanting a high-end razor for a few years now, and finally got one this week through the on-line shop I use for shaving supplies. You may not be  able to see it very well, but there it is. What sets this apart from other razors, even other high end ones, is the chrome. The manufacturer says they use the same process as Rolls Royce does for their cars. And it wasn't cheap. It cost north of $200 Canadian, but they did include a 5-pack of some top end blades as well.
   I guess this is my birthday/Fathers Day gift rolled into one. How does it shave? It is comfortable? I'll be finding out today, when I  get to use it for the first time.


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