Monday 14 September 2020

Creativity Knows No Bounds, Even In A Pandemic


   Was in one of my local stores not long ago (masked, of course, due to the pandemic), and I saw a chap wearing something a lot like the one pictured above, except his was red. And yes, I wish I'd had my phone out to take a picture.

   First thought was "that's interesting". Even though I'm not Scottish, the second thought was "where can I get one"?  Third thought, after some reflection, was "interesting as that is, it's not effective". And here's why: It doesn't wrap securely around the chin.

   I know, non-surgical masks give you little, if any, protection, from the virus. But they do protect others around you, if worn properly. Not having it securely wrapped around the chin rather defeats the purpose of wearing one. But, it's still better than nothing, I guess. And with mask usage now being mandated in more and more stores, at least he'd stand  out!


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