Friday 3 July 2020

Been A While (Again)

  These days, it's been difficult to keep up with this blog. We're still in the depths of the 1st wave of COVID-19, vacation times have started, and it's just been overall busy. That's why I haven't posted for the past couple of weeks. And yes, I know I've used that excuse before.
   But there really hasn't been a lot to blog about, due mostly to the continued restrictions, although they are starting  to ease, due to the pandemic. I'm in the "high risk" age group, and already have breathing problems, so I tend to keep myself locked down as much as possible. At least until an effective vaccine is developed.
   Also, this has been a weird week anyway. Worked Monday and Tuesday, had Wednesday off for Canada Day, then back to work again. It's kind of played a little hell with my internal  clock. But this too shall pass.
   And with tomorrow the 4th of July, I'd like to wish any American viewers a Happy Independence Day! Keep safe, especially with the coronavirus out there.


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