Wednesday 15 January 2020

Back, And Looking Back

   That was a long spell away from this venue. What should have been a quick switch over to a new computer ended up taking a little longer than I anticipated. The switch didn't happen until yesterday. Luckily, our tech guru worked an awful lot of magic, and managed to save most (but not all) my bookmarks. Of course, the one he couldn't save was this.
   Flash forward to this morning, and I was still working to get my system back to what passes as normal. Except this blog. Through a lot of trial and error, I did, as you can plainly see,manage to get "back in business".
   Now the look back. We celebrated an anniversary this past Sunday, the 12th. It was a year ago that day we added anew fur baby to our home
   This little girl got her forever home with us. "Minerva", as my wife called her, was just a little ball of fluff.  She's grown considerably since
   She's still rambunctious,  but  has learned, as far as cats can, what the house boundaries for her are. She's actually turned into what we think is a rather pretty cat.
   It's good to be back!


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