Monday 27 January 2020

NOT A Good Weekend

   My wife and I decided to take a run to Regina Saturday for her to pick up a few things at some specialty stores. We didn't get very far. In fact, we only made it about 45 minutes into the trip when we had to turn around.and it was due to freezing rain.
   We started getting a few spots on the windshield about 20 minutes into the trip, but it was pretty much continuous by the time I decided it was best to turn around. Despite the best effort of the heater, and liberal use of windshield de-icer, it started to cake on, and not much helped.
   Flash forward 24 or so hours, and I went out to clear the ice and snow that fell Saturday. I managed to get 3 steps down toward the sidewalk, and went down. Hard. On my posterior (which has ample padding, nit that you needed to know that), and my left wrist. I've got quite a nice red spot  where I'm sure I did some soft tissue damage, and it's sore.
   It's also the wrist I broke a bone in a few years ago, AND the same one I injured a few months back.
   I will heal, I hope, and we'll plan another trip in the not too distant future.


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