Thursday 18 June 2020

Border Restrictions May Not Apply

   That was taken yesterday by me here in Yorkton. I know the international border with the U.S can be crossed by non-essential travelers for a few reasons, including family. And I'm not saying the folks in the Caddy SUV didn't cross for that very reason. But here's the problem. I've heard reports from other jurisdictions saying Americans tell border officials they're making their was to Alaska to see family, but instead are tourists.
   With the recent spike in cases in several U.S States, including Texas, I find this flaunting of border controls, including mandatory self-quarantining for 14 days, counterproductive to what we've been doing in both countries to try and contain as best we can the coronavirus.
   Until last weekend, I restrained from venturing out of town period. I've also listened to health officials advice and socially isolated and practiced physical distancing, hand hygiene and cough etiquette. Seeing this, and again I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt, means I will re-double my efforts since I don't know if they were simply passing through, or made stops on the way. I also know there have been plenty of cases going the other way, where Canadians say they have relatives in the U.S, but are crossing for tourism or even to shop.
   I'm not one to get political on this venue, but also believe border closures should be strictly adhered to on both sides. Unless, the person can provide verified proof of the intention to only access each other's country for family reasons.
   I just hope the people in that vehicle didn't bring COVID with them across the border.


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