Friday 24 April 2020


   That's yours truly. The picture was taken in our newsroom a little after 07:00 local time this (Friday, April 24) morning. Whey am I wearing a winter jacket inside at 07:00? Because it's absolutely freezing in here this morning. They've been doing some work on the roof of our building, possibly getting the A.C ready for summer. I have a vent directly over my work-station, so  I'm getting a blast of Arctic air right on me.
   And it's not just the newsroom, either. The entire top floor of our building is cold.In fact, my morning partner Danny Ismond has a space heater running in master control to boost the temperature. He's also been kind enough to let me use it in the news-booth to stay warm.
   I just hope building maintenance gets it fixed soon, and we can all stop shivering.
   ***Just a quick update,the heat was turned back on (or the A.C turned down) about 08:30.***


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