Thursday 24 December 2020

The Joy Of Having Cats


  That little fur-baby, Mini, got into a passel of trouble last night. My wife heard her playing with something, and when she checked, discovered Mini had found the hot chocolate bombs someone made for her. Basically, they're a chocolate shell filled with hot chocolate powder and miniature marshmallows, and they are delicious!

   But, I digress. Kitty knocked one off the counter, which broke it, and started playing with the marshmallows. And licking them. Nothing like picking up miniature cat-spit covered marshmallows off the kitchen floor. My wife says she did try and eat the chocolate (not good for cats), but apparently didn't like the taste and spit it out. A quick clean-up, and everything was good. My wife hid the remaining chocolate bombs in a cupboard.

   And since tomorrow is December 25th, a very Merry Christmas to you all!


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