Friday 14 February 2020

A Long Weekend Ahead.....And I'm Sick

    This is "Family Day" weekend in Saskatchewan and several other provinces,and mid-February was chosen (if memory serves) because it's a long stretch between New Years Day and Easter, and we need a break from winter. Not that I'm complaining, since I've got it off.
   But it's all been tinged somewhat by the  cold I've caught. It started Wednesday night with sneezing and coughing, followed by a runny nose that could give Niagra Falls a run for it's money. Thursday brought sinus congestion, more sneezing and nose-running. And  the aches started that evening. This morning (Friday) I came in to work with a sore throat plus all the rest, so it's not been a stellar day, by any means.
   But it is a long weekend, meaning I've got 3 days, not just 2, to try and kick this bug.
   And it raises a question as well. Which is worse? A summer cold or a winter one?


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