Monday 13 April 2020

It's Monday, January 104th*

   Okay, it's really Monday, April 13th, but rolling into the office this morning is felt like January. It was -13, with a windchill of -20. And as I keyboard this entry in, it's snowing. Heck, some parts of our region had a windchill of -25. It's mid-April. Surely, we're going to get warmer. Right? Maybe Friday.
   Not to say we didn't have a brief warm spell last week. It got up to 15 Celsius. We even had a fly in the house. But the plug got pulled, and yesterday, Easter Sunday, was miserable with a high of -6, and windchill -12.
   I know I shouldn't complain, and it's not like we're going anywhere due to the coronavirus, but come on! I'm more than ready for spring to finally get sprung.
   And again, due to a very busy work schedule, I'm not able to post as often as I'd like. Thanks for staying tuned.


* Made a huge math mistake earlier. Forgot to carry March into my date calculation, which, incorrectly, had it Monday January 73rd. Math was never my string suit in school.

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