Monday 23 November 2020

I Did Not Need This

    Especially Monday morning. I woke up at what I thought was my usual time (about 03:15), rolled over, hit the alarm, went into the bathroom for my morning ablutions, and then to my office to get dressed (I do that so as not to disturb my wife by having to turn on the light). As I was getting dressed, I noticed the little clock I keep by my computer monitor. It read 02:20.

   Thinking it was wrong, I crept back into the bedroom to check my clock. 02:20. What to do? Leave for the office anyway and get a big jump on the day, or go back to bed and try and sleep for the extra hour. I opted to go back to bed. And while I did get to sleep, it wasn't for the hour I wanted. Normally, I don't take a nap in the afternoon, for fear of not sleeping at night. Today, though. I think I might just lay down for an hour.


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