Friday 1 November 2013

Welcome To Movember

   It is indeed Movember once again, when men shave off their facial hair to raise money and awareness of prostate cancer, one of the biggest killers of men.
   Normally, I don't take part in the month long event, where we shave down to, as morning show host Danny Ismond put it "bare wood", but this year I decided what the heck! And while I'm not raising funds for research, I am showing support for my Mow-Bro's by going clean.
   My wife will not be pleased when she sees me later today when I make my weekly trip to Regina. She wasn't exactly happy when I went to the goatee earlier this year. But don't worry. It will grow back. In fact, I'm thinking of using this as an excuse to grow my full beard back again.
   And while a lot of guys out there can grow a luxurious beard and moustache in just a few days, maybe a week or so, I can't. So don't look for daily updates with pictures chronicling my progress. I might post a mid-month update. Then again, I might just wait till the end of the month.
   Happy Movember guys, and remember to get checked for prostate cancer yearly.
   And now the "before" picture:


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