Thursday 28 November 2013

One Day, 2 Celebrations

   It's Thursday, November 28th. And it's also the last Thursday in November, meaning U.S Thanksgiving is today. It's a day of travel for some, parades for others, and food for most people in the States:
   And as hard as it may seem to believe, that bird, the magnificent Turkey, could well have been America's bird. Not the Bald Eagle. Benjamin Franklin lobbied hard to have the turkey made the official emblem of the U.S.
   And as many Americans sit down to a meal of the above bird, with all the trimmings, including pumpkin pie, it should be noted that this is how I believe said pie is made:
   Today also marks the start of the Jewish Festival of Lights, Hanukkah:
   Interestingly, I've heard this is the first time both holidays have coincided. Ever. And it won't happen again for another 77 thousand years. Give or take a century or 3.
   So, to my American viewers, Happy Thanksgiving. And any Jewish viewers חנוכה מבורכת ומאושרת.



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