Friday 8 November 2013

A Movember Update

   Last Thursday evening, I decided to get rid of the facial hair to support the prostate cancer awareness campaign in November. The "Movember" campaign sees us guys shave off moustaches and beards at the start of the month, grow back that facial hair during "Movember" and traditionally shave it off again at the end of the month.
   This was taken November 1st:
   In the intervening week, I've been re-growing the "winter sweater", and I'm actually pleasantly surprised with the result:

   Normally, the beard and 'tash don't come in this well, although I must admit it's been a very long time since I went "bare wood". It is a little hard to see much difference, but it's there.
   I wasn't going to do a weekly update, but morning man Danny Ismond is chronicling this for the stations Facebook page anyway, so I thought "What the Heck". Another update next Friday.
   And in case you were wondering, this is me in "full flower"


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