Tuesday 5 November 2013

An Ignominious End

   I found a rather interesting article on line this morning about the death of King Tut, the 18 year old ancient Egyptian pharaoh who's tomb was discovered in 1922, nearly intact.
   How he died almost 33 centuries years ago has been a topic of debate among scholars. Some say he was murdered. Others say he was epileptic, others that he died of malaria, others suggest it was an infection from a broken leg.
   Now there's a theory that he was killed racing a chariot. Not the one he was driving either. Car crash investigators say he may have been thrown from his chariot, and was killed when another smashed into his left side, fracturing his pelvis and ribs.
   There's also indications the body was burned, and investigators say that was due to spontaneous combustion of the linen and oils used in mummification, and happened after Tut's entombment.
   Still, the enigmatic King fascinates.


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