Tuesday 12 November 2013

Ye Of Little Faith

   I must admit, even I had my doubts Sunday, especially going in to half-time. But the Riders prevailed, and knocked off the B.C Lions 29-25 in the Western semi-final. It was a cold day in Regina, with the windchill making things even colder. But the Rider spirit was there, and the Green and White won the day.
   Talking with morning man Danny Ismond today, I made mention of the "Monday Morning Quarterbacks" out there, some of whom decried the performance of the team. I find it amusing how everyone's opinion on the team and their fortunes is right, even when it's wrong. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan, and I also sometimes question the decisions made by players and coaches. But I don't give voice to them. The players and coaches get paid to do exactly what they do: Play the game, win or lose. I've never coached or played football, even at the lowest level possible, so for me to jump in and say this coach was wrong, or that player should've run that option serves absolutely no purpose.
   As I said to Danny, my job is not to play or coach for the Riders. My job is to bring you the morning news, and have a laugh with Danny every now and then. And that's what I do. My opinions about the team and players remain mine alone, and not vocalized.
   The bottom line is we won the game. Pure and simple. It may not have been the best game they've ever played, but so be it. And even if the score would have been 1-0 Riders in O.T: So what. They won.
   And now, they've got 2 more games to win. In Calgary against those pesky Stampeders, then the Big One: The 101st Grey Cup, which the Riders will host, and hopefully play in. And win.


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