Thursday 21 November 2013

Baby, It's Cold Outside

   It certainly is for this time of year in the Yorkton area. The mercury's been stuck at -24 pretty much all morning, and the warmest it'll get today is around -12. Which, interestingly, is nearly our normal low for this time of year. Usually, our high is around -5. But it is November in Saskatchewan, and anything can and does happen.
   At least we're not (so far) getting much for snow. A friend of mine in Edmonton was saying they've already had 42 cm so far this month, with another 20 possible. I'll take the cold any day.
   And it won't be that cold too much longer, either. The forecast calls for a warming trend this weekend, with the high Sunday-1. Which is very good news indeed. Not only for my weekly commute to Regina and back, but for Sunday's 101st Grey Cup at Mosaic Stadium, since Regina's high is also forecast at -1.
   Of course, it'll be a bit colder than that at kick-off, and a lot colder at the final gun.
   Go Riders!


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