Wednesday 27 November 2013

"Black Friday" Is Coming

   It's the day American, and now several Canadian, retailers put some big sales numbers up. It also marks the start of the Christmas shopping season. It's also a day that has, at least in the U.S, seen in the past shoppers get trampled by other shoppers in the mad rush for bargains once stores open.
   So far, Canadians have proven immune to this holiday rush, but that's changing, and changing fast. With more and more American retailers entering Canada (Target being the latest), the competition for your holiday shopping dollars gets even more intense.
   Retailers will not be getting a chunk of my change this week however. I'm a procrastinator, and won't start my shopping until some time in December. And this year, there are fewer of my dollars available as well.
   But for those who like the whole seasonal shopping spectacular, "shop on".


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