Tuesday 19 November 2013

Oxford's Word Of The Year

   Britain's Oxford University Press has named "selfie", a picture taken of one's self on a smartphone, to be the "word of the year" for 2013.
   Selfie beat out other nominees like "Bitcoin" and "Binge-watch" for the title. Bitcoin's I've blogged about in the past, and I must confess I've never been one to binge-watch anything. Probably because most of the shows people binge-watch I'm simply not interested in. That plus the fact I can't sit in one position very long, not to mention hours at a time.
   As for "selfies"..don't look for any from me. I'm not a big fan of having my picture taken, and frankly I'm looking forward to the end of Movember, so I can quit documenting my beard growth. I much prefer being on the other side of the camera.
   There's a saying in the broadcasting industry that suits me to a tee. A voice for T.V, but a face for Radio.


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