Thursday 7 November 2013

The Call For Abolition

   A Saskatchewan Government motion introduced in the Legislature yesterday by Premier Brad Wall has passed, calling for the Senate to be abolished. The motion itself was quite simple "That this Assembly supports the abolition of the Senate of Canada".
   The Premier told the legislature that the Senate has "failed the test of being effective", and repeals a law introduced a few years ago calling for reform in the Upper House. Wall was on record at the time as saying he favoured reform, including having voters elect nominees, who's names would be passed to the Prime Minister for consideration for appointment.
   But the Premier changed his mind after the spending scandal erupted, resulting in the suspension of 3 Senators (see my post below "Suspended") without pay, but with benefits until the current session of Parliament wraps up, likely in 2 years.
   I must admit that I find myself of the same mind-set as Mr. Wall, and feel any worthwhile reform is, at least right now, not possible, and that the Senate should go.


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