Monday 18 November 2013

Will You Cut The Cord?

   It seems more and more people are doing just that. Terminating their cable TV subscriptions in favour of the internet and service providers like Netflix. In my family, both my kids have cut their service, but my wife and I haven't yet. And likely won't.
   While it's true I spend quite a bit of my spare time on the computer, playing on-line games and watching stuff on You-Tube, my wife still watches some traditional cable TV shows. But that being said, she also says (quite often) that there's nothing worth watching on, and usually fires up Netflix, or heads to her computer.
   As Bruce Springsteen said "57 channels and nothing on". Repeated questions about our need to continue cable service are met with "but we need cable so I can watch my shows. And for local news".
   And while we likely will go over our package and cut a few specialty channels we never ever watch, the cord to our place will not be cut. At least not yet.


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