Monday 25 November 2013

The Lights Are On

   It is time for the annual ritual a lot of people go through at this time of year. Putting up the Christmas lights. For quite a few of us, it's simply a string or 2 around windows, and maybe decorating the outdoor tree. But for others, it borders on an obsession.
   And so it is with the Richards family of Canberra, Australia. They've reclaimed the Guinness World Record title for having the most Christmas lights on a residential property. They have an astonishing 502,165 lights in all. They first won the title in 2001, but lost it last year to a family in New York.
   And how do they plan on paying the power bill for them all? Simple. They don't. It seems a local power company is donating the 23 hundred dollars it'll cost to have those lights twinkle for the next month.
   I just wonder how long it took them to put it up. And how long it'll take to remove them.


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