Friday 29 November 2013

The Countdown To Christmas Has Started

   It's Black Friday, the day when retailers, particularly in the U.S, kick off the rush to Christmas. And including today, there are 26 shopping days left!
   Why call it "Black Friday"? Apparently, it started being called that in Philadelphia sometime before 1960, and the term was used to describe heavy vehicle and pedestrian traffic the day after American Thanksgiving. It wasn't until 1975 the term was used outside Philly.
   Another version is today's the day retailers are put in the black by high sales volumes. Some reports say big box stores can boost their year to date profit starting January 1st from 14 to 19 billion dollars. Any way you cut it, that's a chunk of change!
   Canadian retailers are also jumping on the Black Friday bandwagon, as retailers here look to rake in profits.
   But the Holiday Spirit doesn't seem to be out in as full force as bargain hunters. Just this morning there are reports of fights in some stores, including one in California, where management shut the doors after 5 thousand people flocked in all at once.
   In Chicago, police shot the driver of a car Thanksgiving evening after an officer was dragged after investigating a shoplifting complaint.
   Will I take part in Black Friday? Not a snowballs hope in hell. I'll wait for the madness to subside, especially since as mentioned, there are 26 shopping days left to Christmas.


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