Friday 15 November 2013

This Is What The Hype Is All About

   Today's the day gamers have been waiting for. The official launch of the Sony Playstation 4. Now, I'll admit I enjoy video games, but don't expect me to be in the line-up today, or any other day, to buy one of these. At least, not right now.
   While it's true I enjoy video games, most of what I play is on line, mainly a Massively Multi-player On-Line Role Playing game. World of Warcraft, to be exact.
   That's not to say we don't have a Playstation. I've been buying them ever since the first generation console came out in 1994, and I've got the 3rd generation one right now. And while I still do play the odd game now and then, we use it mainly as a port for Netflix. My wife does still enjoy some of the first generation games, like Tomb Raider, which she still plays on the PS-3 console.
   And that's part of the problem with the new PS-4. It will not be backward compatible, meaning old games like Tomb Raider can't be played on them. On the plus side, the new device offers better connectivity, and allows gamers the option to download new games, rather than buy them.
   But the console wars aren't over. Microsoft will launch their new system, the X-Box One, next week:

   The battle for your Christmas dollars is on, and the video gaming industry now generates several billion dollars a year in sales.


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