Tuesday 5 November 2013

A Remembrance Day Controversy

   My friend and morning show host Danny Ismond alerted me to this. It seems the Rideau Institute is encouraging people to wear a white poppy instead of the red one this year, saying the red poppy glorifies war.
   As the son of a wounded World War 2 veteran, I am rather shocked by this. As we get ready to mark the 95th anniversary of "The War To End All Wars" (World War 1) I find this almost disrespectful of our veterans past and present.
   Far from glorifying war, the red poppy to me signifies the ultimate sacrifice made by 67 thousand Canadians in the First World War, the 44 thousand in the Second World War along with those who fell in Korea, Afghanistan and other conflicts.
   After Danny posted the story and this picture on our Facebook page:
   Response was swift, and negative to the Rideau Institute. Just as one example, MLA Greg Ottenbreit had this to say: "The white poppy is a slap in the face of all those who paid the ultimate price! It does not glorify war, but recognises the sacrifice of some for the freedom of many!
God bless our veterans and those still active!"

   And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
   I know what colour poppy I'll be wearing on Monday, November 11th. Red.


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