Thursday 31 October 2013

A Bitcoin Windfall

   Just yesterday, I blogged about the Internet currency "Bitcoins", which have really started to take hold. Now, I'll admit I was sceptical about their value, until today.
   It seems a Norwegian man had squirrelled away 24 dollars on the coins in 2009, when they started making their appearance. He then forgot about them, until he heard of the exchange rate on them. Yesterday, one bitcoin was worth over 211 dollars Canadian.
   After a day spent frantically trying to remember his password, his persistence paid off. To the tune of 5 thousand bitcoins, worth 721 THOUSAND dollars. He says he cashed out one-fifth of the coins, and bought a condo in central Oslo, which must have been quite a deal, or it's a very small condo. When we were in Bergen a few years ago, we happened to pass by a real estate agency, and saw an apartment in central Bergen was going for 1 million Kroner. about 200 thousand dollars Canadian.
   As for the bitcoin, as I stated yesterday I'll stay with real cash for a while yet.


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