Thursday 14 November 2013

Do You Remember These?

   The Sears Christmas Wish Book used to come out about this time of year, maybe a little earlier. And every year my sister and I would love pouring through the toy section, dreaming about what we'd like Santa to leave under the tree.
   For my sister, it was dolls, doll houses and clothes, among other things. But she also wanted things like an Eazy-Bake oven, something she never got.
   For me it was toy trains, slot cars, even a toy cannon that fired cannon balls. But looking back on my childhood, there was one toy that stood out in my mind for some reason. That was a helicopter attached to a crank which, when turned, actually flew the 'chopper.
   Growing up in Calgary, we really didn't need the catalogue. Most of the stuff we desired was already in stores like Sears and the Bay downtown. If I remember right, the toy department was on the 6th floor. But even still, it was wonderful when Mom unwrapped the Wishbook and handed it to us. I know for myself, it was one of the highlights of the year.
   Why the trip down memory lane? Nostalgia, I guess, maybe tinged with the fact I'm getting old(er). Sears Canada still publishes the Wishbook, which is now almost a relic. Most of what kids want they can get via the internet. In a way, that's a shame, because most kids will never get that "rush" opening the catalogue and thumbing through the pages, wishing and dreaming.
   But, so it goes.


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